必应词典为您提供Of-two-evils-choose-the-lesser的释义,网络释义: 两害相权取其轻;二害相权取其轻;二害相取其;
Of two evil choose the less. 两害中择其较小者。 Of two evils choose the less. st. 两害中选其较小者. of two evils choose the less. st.两害中选其较小者. choose to 喜欢,宁愿,决心… choose for vt.挑选...作为 no less 不少于,不亚于,同样…,依然… less and less 越来越少的, ...
από δύο κακά διάλεξετολιγότεροκακό是将“of two evils choose the least"翻译成 希腊文。 译文示例:But at least two classes of beings, humans and angels, have been created with true freedom of choice, including the freedom to choose evil. ...
谁来英语翻译以下:“两利相权取其重 两害相权取其轻”“两害相权取其轻”有人翻译为“Of two evils choose the less",qi前一句如何翻译,有一年的外交部公务员考试有此题。
Evil是邪恶的意思,lesser意思是比较小的,次要的。说the lesser of two evils,就是说在两种令人不快的选择中,选择一个伤害相对小的,也就是中文里说的“两害相权取其轻”。它其实就是在来描述一种困境(dilemma),这是一种不管选哪个都存在缺陷的难题,任何一种选择都会在某种程度上造成伤害,只能选一个伤害...
谁来英语翻译以下:“两利相权取其重 两害相权取其轻”“两害相权取其轻”有人翻译为“Of two evils choose the less",qi前一句如何翻译,有一年的外交部公务员考试有此题。
例句-1:My in-laws insisted that my wife choose one her sisters as her maid of honor. She could have asked Marilyn, but she isn't dependable at all. So she picked Ann, the lesser of two evils. She may be rather unsociable, but, at ...
Both options are unpalatable, but under such circumstances, you can only choose the lesser of two evils. (两个选择都让人难以接受,但在这种情形下,你只能两害相权取其轻)For the sake of long-term stability, the military option is the lesser of two evils. (为了长期的稳定,采取军事行动是两害...
例句-1:My in-laws insisted that my wife choose one her sisters as her maid of honor. She could have asked Marilyn, but she isn't dependable at all. So she picked Ann, the lesser of two evils. She may be rather unsociable, but, at least, she could be relied upon to help out wit...