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WOW: Wars of Wanon N 2024-12-07 Chinese App NameUrlAvailableDate Angelia N 2024-07-23 DAMA N 2022-12-04 Maxthon Cloud Web Browser
docker rollout - Zero downtime deployment for Docker Compose services by @Wowu gantryd 💀 - A framework for easy management of docker-based components across machines by @DevTable Haven - Haven is a simplified container management platform that integrates container, application, cluster, image, ...
Wow. 如果安迪的解读正确 If Andy interprets correctly, 那些鲸鱼会告诉他 它们将于何时从何处浮出水面 the whales will tell him when and where theyll surface. 它们肯定就在我们附近 Oh, theyre gonna be right around us. -我的天! 快起来 它们来了! Holy. . . Oh, my God! -快看! 我的天!
^ ^[14]Beached Sea Creature ^[16]Beached Sea Creature ^[30-35]Walking Dog ^abWorld of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 345 ^abcdMonster Guide Web Supplement, 25 ...
FromthedepthsoftheAtlanticOcean. 出现一个迹象 Asign. 这是一种庞然大物的呼吸声 Thisisthebreathofagiant. 不是随便什么巨物 Andnotjustanygiant... 而是一种在熟睡的动物 butasleepingone. 一个抹香鲸家族在睡午觉 Afamilyofspermwhalestakesanafternoonnap. ...
[perhaps from b(ow-wow) + (h)owler] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 bowl•er1 (ˈboʊ lər) n. a person who bowls. [1490–1500] bowl•er...
39.Whisper of the Whale (wh) 77 2020-09 3 40. A Lucky Bunny Family(_y) 47 2020-10 4 41.Wow the Goose Cooks (oo) 45 2020-10 5 42. The North Star (ar ; or) 26 2020-10 6 43.The Awful Autumn Sauce (aw ;au ) 42
Wampanoag- a member of the Algonquian people of Rhode Island and Massachusetts who greeted the Pilgrims Algonquian,Algonquin- a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes mig...