The meaning of A MAN OF THE PEOPLE is a man (such as a politician) who understands and is liked by ordinary people.
The meaning of OF ALL PEOPLE is —used to emphasize that a specified person is the person one most or least expect to do or know something. How to use of all people in a sentence.
Define -person. -person synonyms, -person pronunciation, -person translation, English dictionary definition of -person. suffix forming nouns sometimes used instead of -man and -woman or -lady : chairperson; salesperson. Usage: See at -man Collins English
Define peopled. peopled synonyms, peopled pronunciation, peopled translation, English dictionary definition of peopled. n. pl. people 1. a. Humans considered as a group or in indefinite numbers. Often treated as a plural of person, alone and in compounds
Rev.10. 8. In Scripture, fathers or kindred. Gen.25. 9. The Gentiles. --To him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen.49. PEOPLE, Verb. T. To stock with inhabitants. Emigrants from Europe have peopled the United States.Definition 2025 ...
It’s time for a better—and more strategic—definition, Jeffrey R. Wilson writes. The humanities study the things humans make. That definition is better—more accurate and more strategic—than the most commonly offered alternatives. First, some define t
Legal Definition of person Noun An entity withlegalrightsand existence including the ability tosueand besued, to sign contracts, to receive gifts, to appear incourteither by themselves or bylawyerand, generally, other powers incidental to the full expression of the entity inlaw. Individuals are ...
person meaning, definition, what is person: a human being, especially considered as ...: Learn more.
people meaning, definition, what is people: used as the plural of ‘person’ to refer ...: Learn more.
Define tribunes of the people. tribunes of the people synonyms, tribunes of the people pronunciation, tribunes of the people translation, English dictionary definition of tribunes of the people. n. 1. An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians t