Define cross wind. cross wind synonyms, cross wind pronunciation, cross wind translation, English dictionary definition of cross wind. n. a wind blowing across the course or path of a ship, aircraft, etc. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictiona
SOLVE THE CLUE Blast of wind with 4 letters 1 Answer GUST Suggest another solution New Suggestion for "Blast of wind" Know another solution for crossword clues containingBlast of wind? Add your answer to the crossword database now.
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the time of day gradu the time of departure the time travelors wi the time we lost our the times crossword c the tinkle of bells the tinsoldiers march the tipple chasse to the title passed to t the tole the tonight is rain a the top 100 sino-fore the top choices of th the top ...
Drama Crossword Puzzle Drama Games Sequence Drama Games to Teach Online Drama Vocabulary for Younger Students Drama Warm-up Activities for Online Learning Dream Train Dreams to Act Out Dreams to Perform Dreary to Cheery Dwelling Photo Prompts E Ear Today, Gone Tomorrow Early American Theatre Histor...
the kite ru er the kowloon hotel hon the kungfu panda the l word the laba rice porridg the labor dispute arb the labour party the labourer and the the lack says the laden showroom the lady and the tige the lady in red vocal the lady rose the lady or the tiger the lafayette bridge ...
afill in the crossword so that so that given words are have been given one letter from a word as a clue in the crossword 填装纵横填字谜,以便,以便特定词是included.you在纵横填字谜被给了从词的一封信件作为一个线索[translate] ...
trade wind a wind that blows towards the equator (from the north-east and south-east).viento alisio trade into give (something) as part-payment for something else:We decided to trade in our old car and get a new one(nounˈtrade-in) ...
Crossword Puzzles The crossword puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynne. Cuisinarts and Other Kitchen Appliances Carl Sontheimer invented the Cuisinart. Cyclotron Ernest Lawrence invented the cyclotron, a device that greatly increased the speed with which projectiles could be hurled at atomic nuclei. ...
the first day, he began to show signs of alarm. By that time he haddissected37every dissectible insect in the region, he spoke Spanish like a native, and he had solved all of thecrossword38puzzles in the magazines that he received in the mail. He did not have thepretext39climate to ...