中文名称:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 英文名称:University of Texas at Austin 简称:UT-Austin 创办时间:1883年 学校类型:综合类研究型大学 学校属性:公立大学 校训:理性的思维是民主的守卫者 学校特色:德克萨斯大学成员、公立常春藤、美国大学协会成员 现任校长:Jay Hartzell 知...
The Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin is among the most established and well regarded geoscience programs in the world. The school includes the University’s Department of Geological Sciences, on...
休斯敦大学位于全美的第4大城休斯敦(Houston),位于得州(Texas)的东南部。休斯敦大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为种族最多元化的大学之一。 [2-3] UH的学生平均在他们2年级时就会有他们的第一份实习工作(Internship),而根据官方网站的资料:UH的学生将近8成在毕业后的3个月能够在休斯敦找到工作,而其中有7成的学生...
VISIT SCHOOL WEBSITE Accredited Online Master’s of Social Work (MSW) Programs Tuition$23,486 regular Accelerated track offered?N/A GRE requiredNo Advanced standing track offered?Yes Program Length1-3 years regular The online master’s degree program in social work at the University of Texas at...
VISIT SCHOOL WEBSITE Accredited Online Master’s of Social Work (MSW) Programs Accelerated track offered?Yes Program Length2 years (FT) Advanced standing track offered?Yes GRE requiredNo TuitionN/A Students enrolled in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s online master’s degree program ...
School of Information (1948) School of Law (1883) School of Nursing (1976) School of Social Work (1950) School of Undergraduate Studies (2008) The University of Texas at Austin offers more than 100 undergraduate and 170 graduate degrees. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the university awarded...
The School of Social Work occupies the third and fourth floors of the historic Elks Building in a repurposed space that balances design and user need with program and institutional identity, all while providing an inviting learning, teaching, and collabo
Is University of Texas--Austin the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of Texas--Austin is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
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