Meaning and context: a survey of a contemporary debateEmma Borg
Chapter 8 Meaning and Context Context refers to the words around a word, phrase etc. often used for helping to explain the meaning of the word, phrase, etc. Context is of paramount importance for the understanding of word-meaning because the meaning is influenced immediately by the whole speec...
语境分 为三 类:即话语语境 (context of 1merance) 、情景语境 (c o rlte~t of situation) 和文化语境 (con【e砒0f culture) 。简单地说,话语 语境是指字、词、句 、段等前后可帮助理解和确定其 意义 的上下文,即文章或言谈中的话题的上下文或上下旬情 [收稿日期】2003 —05 —26 [作者简介 】...
Pragmatics can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study. 6.1.2 Pragmatics&semantics语用学与语义学的关系 Once the notion of context was taken into consideration, semantics spilled over into pragmatics. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the...
Meaning and Context 一、【考情分析】 本章主要考核的知识点为:语境的种类,语境的作用。通过对本章的学习,考生应该 了解两种不同的语境,语境对词义的重要作用,并且能运用语境线索正确理解词义和猜测新 词。在历年考试中:常常以选择题,填空题,简答题和问答题的形式对本章知识点进行考核。 二、【知识串讲】 ...
In this work the concept of 'context' is considered in five main points. First, context is seen as always necessary for an adequate explication of the concepts of meaning and understanding. Context always plays a role and is not merely brought into consideration when handling a special class ...
Semantic analysis is a branch of natural language processing (NLP) that focuses on understanding the meaning and context of words, phrases, and sentences in a given text. It goes beyond analyzing the structure of language to interpret relationships between concepts and uncover the intended message....
与题干不符,排除。 C项:speaking and writing 意为“口语和写作”,这两个技能更多地涉及到表达而不是理解。与题干不符,排除。 D项:reading and writing 意为“阅读和写作”,尽管写作中确实有时需要根据上下文来选择合适的词汇,但这不是从上下文中推断词义。与题干不符,排除。 故正确答案为B。
meaningcontextinterpretationnatural" standpointaestheticsThe article constitutes an attempt to conceptualize the so-called "natural" or "neutral" standpoint towards phenomena of reality, and to reveal its impact upon aesthetic investigations. It is suggested that a "natural" standp...
of context, and (with rare exceptions) the only kind of meaning a sentence can have when it is cited without a context (as we have just cited the sentence about examination results). (But, as we shall see, even ...