1.1 of_find_node_by_name of_find_node_by_name函数通过设备节点的名字获取设备节点,函数原型: struct device_node *of_find_node_by_name(struct device_node *from, const char *name); 其中: from:指定要搜索设备节点的起始位置。若为NULL,则从根节点开始搜索; name:要查找的设备节点的名称; 成功返回设...
`struct device_node of_find_node_by_name(struct device_node from, const char name);` 其中,`from`是起始节点,可以是根节点(&root)或者其它节点;`name`是需要查找的节点名。该函数返回的是一个指向找到的节点的指针(structdevice_node ),如果找不到则返回NULL。要注意的是,该函数的查找范围是在`from`及...
1.1 of_find_node_by_name of_find_node_by_name函数通过设备节点的名字获取设备节点,函数原型: structdevice_node *of_find_node_by_name(structdevice_node *from,constchar*name); 其中: from:指定要搜索设备节点的起始位置。若为NULL,则从根节点开始搜索; name:要查找的设备节点的名称; 成功返回设备节点结...
printk(KERN_INFO"PowerMac SMP probe found %d cpus\n", ncpus);/* Nothing more to do if less than 2 of them */if(ncpus <=1)return1;/* Look for the clock chip */for(cc =NULL; (cc =of_find_node_by_name(cc,"i2c-hwclock")) !=NULL;) {structdevice_node*p=of_get_parent(cc)...
结点函数:1.of_find_node_by_name函数通过节点名字查找指定的节点,函数原型如下: structdevice_node*of_find_node_by_name(struct... 忽略掉device_type属性。 compatible :要查找的节点所对应的compatible属性列表。 5.of_find_node_by_path函数通过路径来查找指定的节点,函数 ...
struct device_node* of_find_node_by_path(const char *path) 根据路径参数,在全局链表of_allnodes中,查找匹配的device_node struct device_node* of_find_node_by_name(struct device_node *from,const char *name) 则根据name在全局链表of_allnodes中查找匹配的device_node,若from=NULL表示从头开始查找 ...
在下文中一共展示了of_find_device_by_node函数的15个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: check_usb_vbus_state ▲点赞 7▼ staticvoidcheck_usb_vbus_state(intstate){structdevice_node*np=NULL;structplat...
Send - Simple, private, end to end encrypted temporary file sharing, originally built by Mozilla. (Clients) MPL-2.0 Nodejs/Docker slskd ⚠ - A modern client-server application for the Soulseek file sharing network. AGPL-3.0 Docker/C# Transmission - Fast, easy, free Bittorrent client. (Sour...
i cant believe you do i cant believe you ne i cant even feel my g i cant find a reason i cant find a reason i cant forgive myself i cant get next to yo i cant go outside the i cant hear myself th i cant help eating sw i cant help you i cant hold back my t i cant ...
By default, the master node runs on port 9333, and the volume nodes run on port 8080. Let's start one master node, and two volume nodes on port 8080 and 8081. Ideally, they should be started from different machines. We'll use localhost as an example. ...