Spanish / Español Select a language: variación variation [ˌvɛərɪˈeɪʃən]N(gen) →variaciónf(also Mus); (=variant form) →variedadf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperColli...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: pistaindicio clue clew (US) [kluː] A. N (in guessing game)→ pista f; (in a crime)→ pista f, indicio m; [of crossword]→ indicación fan important clue→ una pista importanteI haven't a clue→ no tengo ni ideacan you give me a clue?
The day would come when Dreadnoughts would become as familiar in the Grand Harbor as Spanish and Turkish galleons had once been. The castle of St. Angelo, which had been the ultimate redoubt against the Turks in 1565, was actually commissioned in 1912 as a ship in the Royal Navy (first ...
but eventually I had to. Not being much of a cook, telling them such jokes was the easiest way I knew to clue them in on their Galician heritage.
He gets here tomorrow, Yasmine, and I have noclue. Él consigue aquí mañana, Yasmine, y no tengo niidea. 1 2 3 Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. ...
As a Public Service Announcement, we are releasing the below information to confirm to all TEFL teachers inbound to China, that the Chinese government is dead serious about enforcing their fairly new“FALSE DOCUMENTS LAW”.This new law was originally design and intended to stop, or at least re...
When one of his henchmen is looking for a 4-letter solution to a crossword clue of “trouble”, Tony offers up the answer: cops. But Tony is also a 4-letter word and agent Kenny knows that he has been involved in gambling houses, forgery, smuggling, extortion and theft – he’s ...
It was first settled in the 15th century and you can readily imagine its historic past when this was the capital of the Azores and, being central to the North Atlantic, became a focus of trade and power, bustling with commerce, piracy and fighting (at different times Spanish, English, Fren...
* Promoting Vocabulary Development: Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction (The Texas Education Agency) * Vocabulary: The Most Common Words in the English LanguageEducation World Pages * Vocabulary Fun * Puzzling Clue Vocabulary About the Author Known as the "Literacy Ambassador," Cathy Puett...
I bought a flight ticket Alicante-Hong Kong, they didn't give me the option of entering my full name (I am spanish, so I have two surnames). When I give my passport details, I put my full name and give my personal info correctly. Howewer in the reservation, even my passport expiry...