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Sb 18 209 16 346 1.6418 1.1453 3.93 Bi 18 209 16 372 0.3295 0.0835 0.497 Cd 16 282 14 956 0.2516 0.1297 0.51 Au 18 209 16 534 1.2887 0.7736 2.836 Hg 18 209 17 537 108.8115 144.7213 398.3 Note: The dimension is 10−9 for Au, Ag, and Hg and 10−6 for other elements. | Sh...
IV, q. 16; OTh VII, 346: 12–13. It seems, however, that God can give actus beatificus also to those on via. "...actus beatificus dabatur Paulo in suo raptu, quia tunc vidit essentiam divinam... ”Quodl. VI, q. 1; OTh IX, 587: 55–56. It has to be noted that even...
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2022, 69(6): 338-346. DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2022.01.017 Abstract ( 14 ) PDF (4652KB) ( 6 ) Sodium-ion hybrid capacitors (SICs) have been proposed to bridge performance gaps between batteries and supercapacitors, and thus realize both high energy density and power density in a single...
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Nat. Methods 15, 343–346 (2018). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sun, S., Zhu, J. & Zhou, X. Statistical analysis of spatial expression patterns for spatially resolved transcriptomic studies. Nat. Methods 17, 193–200 (2020). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google ...
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