9414 Accesses 479 Citations 306 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Air pollution is well recognized as a major risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases and has been estimated to contribute more to global morbidity and mortality than all other known environmental risk factors combined. Although...
Moreover, the usually fatal outcome in the absence of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation has led to replacement of the former terminology “chronic active EBV infection, systemic form” with “systemic chronic active EBV disease” [308, 309]. Stroma-derived neoplasms of lymphoid tissues: some...
(ii) The nature of the NC hosts exerts a critical impact on the catalytic performance, and balanced nitrogen content and speciation seem key for the optimized per-formance; and (iii) Different deactivation mechanisms occur: fouling by coke deposition on the catalysts with a high N:C ratio (...
Pulp Pap Can 96(9):T300–T306 Google Scholar Pinamonti F, Stringari G, Zorzi G (1997) Use of compost in soilless cultivation. Compost Sci Util 5(2):38–46 Google Scholar Pinchak BA, Schuman GE, Depuit EJ (1985) Top soil and mulch effects on plant species and community responses...
The point at which the Metastasis Seeding Cell (MSC) diverges form the primary tumor has important implications for the use of adjuvant systemic therapy. Take the example where 3 driver mutations have accumulated within a primary tumor up to the point where it is diagnosed. A precision medicine...
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The new version differs by 306 commits. 8e793c4 Bump 3.26.5 8947275 docs: Add the changelog of 3.26.5 (#20520) df8f343 revert Table page return 1 after sort (#20507) 670bd4b :white_check_mark: update snapshots 75ed2e0 :memo: Add instruction about disabledDate 2f72e47 :bug: Fix ...
and gratings and grease form and growing up is not and had an idea and happy tells him and has two dogs and have citizenship and have found an and have fun and have more freedom and have six children and he began to speak and he begat sons and and he brought me int and he burned...
virt-install \--autostart \--virt-type=kvm \--boot uefi \--name=server2022 \--ram=98304 \--cpu=host,require=pdpe1gb,require=svm,disable=vmx,require=ibpb,require=stibp,require=virt-ssbd,require=amd-ssbd \--features=hyperv_relaxed=on,hyperv_vapic=on,hyperv_spinlocks=on,hyperv_spinl...
A form of programmed cell death that occurs during development and tissue remodellng, in which the cell internally degrades without rupturing the cell membrane, allowing the dead cells to be taken up and degraded by the surrounding cells. Cell senescence A highly stable cell cycle arrest that li...