Known encodings can be printed with perl -MEncode -e 'print join("\n", Encode->encodings(":all")), "\n"' --hide-rate Do not show line and file processing rates in the output header. This makes output deterministic. --json Write the results as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) forma...
(itk, tcl, tk) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TNSDL (cii, cin, in1, in2, in3, in4, inf, ...
(itk, tcl, tk) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (bst, dtx, sty, tex) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TOML (toml) TTCN (ttcn, ttcn2, ttcn3, ttcnpp) Twig (twig) TypeScript (tsx, ts) Unity-Prefab (mat, prefab) Vala (vala) Vala ...
Known encodings can be printed with perl -MEncode -e 'print join("\n", Encode->encodings(":all")), "\n"' --hide-rate Do not show line and file processing rates in the output header. This makes output deterministic. --json Write the results as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) forma...
(itk, tcl, tk) TEAL (teal) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) Templ (templ) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Text (text, txt) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TLA+ ...
(itk, tcl, tk) TEAL (teal) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) Templ (templ) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Text (text, txt) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TLA+ ...
(itk, tcl, tk) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (bst, dtx, sty, tex, cls) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TOML (toml) TTCN (ttcn, ttcn2, ttcn3, ttcnpp) Twig (twig) TypeScript (tsx, ts) Unity-Prefab (mat, prefab) Vala (vala) ...
(itk, tcl, tk) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TOML (toml) TTCN (ttcn, ttcn2, ttcn3, ttcnpp) ...
itk, tcl, tk) TEAL (teal) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Text (text, txt) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TNSDL (cii, cin, in...
(itk, tcl, tk) TEAL (teal) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Text (text, txt) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TLA+ (tla) TNSDL ...