I'm trying to unlock phone’s bootloader using fastboot flashing unlock , but getting error message: FAILED (remote: oem unlock is not allowed) finished...
要不这手机开个软件就发烫 受不了 还有谷歌全套在后台耗电 我是台版高配 想root后刷国行系统 省电些 10整体还是不错的 目前还不想换手机 分享543 wp7吧 人民导师雪莉 zuk z2解锁出现oem unlock is not allowed什么鬼 分享8赞 htc吧 梳分头的小猪 请教下,日版u11的开发者选项oem解锁是灰色的,打不开怎么...
For Pixel if you lock with self-signed you cannot boot kernel (boot.img) and device should failover to the second slot (or lose the device if both slots flashed with non-official images) and still be able to re-unlock via the normal path. The path you describe above seems very bizarre...
slide to unlock was not on ‘every windows based phone’ before iPhone, cause I had a winmo phone, and well, it didn’t have a lock image. you push the button on top, and it was unlocked. anyway, I don’t think the android version would violate the apple slide to unlock, ...