i need oem authorization code for gem portal to sell hp printer in govt department Category: Others Reply 1 person had the same question I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Paul_Tikkanen 172,475 42,425 27,751 274 Level 22 ...
certificate string Base64 エンコードされた、署名された X.509 証明書。 はい print_svc_url string プリンター操作を処理するユニバーサル プリント(UP) サービスの URL。 はい notification_url string プリンターが通知をリッスンするために使用する URL (新しい印刷ジョブ、印...
certificate_request妍忌抓快抗找 DeviceCertRequest妝忘扭把抉扼 扶忘 扭抉忱扭我扼抆 扼快把找我扳我抗忘找忘 X.509 (CSR) 忱抖攸 扼快把找我扳我抗忘找忘, 扼抉戒忱忘扶扶抉忍抉 我 我扼扭抉抖抆戒批快技抉忍抉 扭把我扶找快把抉技 忱抖攸 我忱快扶找我扳我抗忘扯我我 扼快忌攸....
i need oem authorization code for gem portal to sell hp printer in govt department Category: Others Reply 1 person had the same question I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Paul_Tikkanen 172,863 42,583 27,818 303 Level 22 11-14-2...
通用列印支援 PWG 5100.18 中定義的必要功能(IPP Infra)。 一旦完成印表機註冊程式,通用列印就緒印表機就應該使用此通訊協定與通用列印通訊。 為了確保呼叫端是具有存取權的印表機,列印機會使用裝置存取令牌,如印表機存取令牌擷取中所述,做為 HTTPAuthorization標頭的持有人值。
Odpowiedź: authorization_pendingużytkownik nie zalogował się jeszcze.HTTP Kopiuj HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Expires: -1 Content-Length: 469 { "error": "authorization_pending", "error...
i need oem authorization code for gem portal to sell hp printer in govt department Category: Others Reply I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Paul_Tikkanen 171,326 42,105 27,534 59 Level 22 11-14-2024 10:38 AM Ple...
i need oem authorization code for gem portal to sell hp printer in govt department Category: Others Reply 1 person had the same question I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Paul_Tikkanen 172,562 42,447 27,767 282 Level 22 11-14...
i need oem authorization code for gem portal to sell hp printer in govt department Category: Others Reply I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Paul_Tikkanen 171,323 42,105 27,534 40 Level 22 11-14-2024 10:38 AM Ple...
证书(certificate) string Base64 编码的已签名 X.509 证书。 是 print_svc_url string 处理打印机操作的通用打印(UP)服务的 URL。 是 notification_url string 打印机应使用的 URL 侦听通知(新打印作业、取消打印作业等)。。 是 mcp_svc_resource_id string UP 服务的资源 ID。 请求 OAuth 令牌以与 UP 和...