内容提示: Test Guideline No. 471Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test 26 June 2020OECD Guidelines for the Testing of ChemicalsSection 4Health effects 文档格式:PDF | 页数:12 | 浏览次数:497 | 上传日期:2020-12-28 10:16:29 | 文档星级: Test Guideline No. 471Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test 26 June...
Developmental neurotoxicity testing: reaching consensus on an OECD test guidelineMore than 30 years ago, Wilson indicated that the causal relationship of impaired reproduction with hereditary factors, infections, recognised maternal incompetence and exposure to chemicals would only account to 30-35 percent...
OECD Guidance Documents and Test Guideline 下载积分: 800 内容提示: December 14, 2016 14:42 Food Safety Assessment of Pesticide Residues 9in x 6in b2668-ch02 page 13Chapter 2OECD Guidance Documentsand Test GuidelinesRoland Solecki, David M. Schumacher, Rudolf Pfeil,Rajumati Bhula and Dugald...
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erythrocytemicronucleustest(TestGuideline474)ortheinvitromammaliancellmicronucleustest(Test Guideline487)wouldbetheinvivoandinvitrotests,respectively, recommended for the detection of aneuploidy. 4. Definitions of terminology used are set out in Annex 1. 475 OECD/OCDE 2...
In association with the international validation project to establish an OECD Enhanced Test Guideline 407, we performed a 28-day repeated-dose toxicity study of methoxychlor, a chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide with pro-estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities. Attention was paid to the sensitivity of...
(76%) chemicals. The overall accuracy of the test method to subcategorise corrosive chemicals into three or two UN GHS subcategories ranged from 75% to 79%. Considering those results, the revised OECD Test Guideline 431 permit the use of EpiSkin™ for subcategorising corrosive chemicals into ...
Test guideline Rodent 1. Foreward It is our pleasure to contribute this paper, and its companion paper [1], to the Special Issue in honor of Dr. David DeMarini. David's passion for the field of genetic toxicology and translating that to global public policy is evidenced in the commentary...
Test Guideline No. 406Skin Sensitisation Guinea Pig Maximisation Test and Buehler Test14 June 2021OECD Guidelines for the Testing of ChemicalsSection 4Health effects
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