Revenue Statistics 2024 shows that the average tax-to-GDP ratio for OECD countries was 33.9% in 2023, 0.1 percentage points (p.p.) below its level in 2021 and 2022, but above its pre-pandemic level of 33.4% in 2019. In 2023, the tax-to-GDP ratio increased in 18 of the ...
nd*0.000.0029.40Thaila nd泰国17.190.9418.13Turkey土尔其0.000.0031.10UK英国29.028.2437.26USA美国*18.757.0125.76Ven ezuela委内瑞拉0.000.000.00注:本表数据主要来源于OECD «revenue statistics 1965-2004» 和 IMF«Government finance statistics yearbook 2005;2004 年税负数据为 OECD IMF 估算数,待各国实际数据...
The article reveals that the declining economic activity and tax cuts imposed to ease the impact of the recession have been cited as reasons why tax revenues have decreased in many Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)-member countries in 2011. According to Jeffrey Owens, ...
グローバルミニマム課税に備える:組織への影響を評価し、確実で実行可能な計画を策定するため、EYが提供するサポートをご活用ください。詳しい内容を知る 続きを読む メールで受け取る メールマガジンで最新情報をご覧ください。 登録する ...
The average tax-to-GDP ratio for the 26 countries participating in the new edition of Revenue Statistics in Africa was…17.2% for the third consecutive year in 2017. …underlining the need for urgent action to enhance domestic revenue mobilisation in Africa. …Overall, the tax structure across ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016》,作者:OECD,出版社:Org. for Economic Cooperation & Development。最新《【预订】Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016》简介、书评、试读
but they have not been accompanied by higher revenue decision-making power.Total municipal expenditure has increased by about three times between 2000 and 2022Figure 2.5.Figure 2.5.Evolution of municipal spending and central government budgetary transfers in Lithuania from 2000 to 2022 In current ...
观望OECD国家, 个人所得税已经作为国家财政收入的一股重要力量, OECD Revenue Statistics (1965~2007) 显示, 早在上个世纪60年代, 个人所得税占税收收入的比重就达到了26.1%, 近些年来也一直趋于稳定, 2006年该数据降到了24.8%。对比我国个人所得税的发展, 根据财政部的公布数据, 我国2015年个人所得税收入规模...
r rstudio data-analysis data-statictics oecd-data passive-smoking eu-statistics Updated Apr 8, 2024 HTML Rossana-code / Plant_based_meat_project Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests This is an analysis of the global plant-based meat market, that take into consideration the following three ...
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