社会科学文献出版社版权所有,广州图书馆下载使用第一节 OECD 数字经济测度指标体系的发展背景OECD 是数字经济研究起步较早的机构, 2014 年发布 《衡量数字经济:一个新的视角》 (Measuring the Digital Economy: A New Perspective), 初步构建了数字经济指标体系。 2019 年 3 月, OECD 进一步完善指标体系, 发布了《...
Experience and Enlightenment of OECD Research on Measuring Consumer Inflation in the Digital Economy 作者: 汤志华[1]作者机构: [1]国家统计局统计科学研究所 出版物刊名: 调研世界 页码: 58-64页 年卷期: 2020年 第1期 主题词: 数字经济战略;居民消费价格指数(CPI);经济高质量发展;经济创新转型;消费...
(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,BaFin)using the OECD/INFE Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion 2022(OECD,20222).Data was collected between 19 September and 18 October 2022 through Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing(CATI),on a sample of 1 0 54、00 ...
This OECD Guide to Measuring the Information Society is a compilation of concepts, definitions, classifications and methods for information society measurement and analysis. Chapter 1. Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Chapter 2. ICT Products Chapter 3.ICT Infrastructure Chapter...
As far as we know, this is the only work that studies the relationship between ICT and economic growth by measuring ICT with the Digital Economy and Society Index database (DESI), in European Union countries that belong to the OECD and that apply the PLS-SEM technique. Based on the ...
Baker NB, Said Boustany M, Khater M, Haddad C (2020) Measuring the indirect effect of the Internet on the relationship between human capital and labor productivity. Int Rev Appl Econ 34:821–838.https://doi.org/10.1080/02692171.2020.1792421 ...
less sophisticated tools for measuring the marketpower of a platform also need adjusting to reflect the existence of a second orthird side. For example, shares of volume on oneside can only be interpreted in parallel with shares on the other side, and profitability must be taken at a platform...
Instead, the OECD is showing a particular way of measuring how income is distributed (in this case, the share of the population with less than half of the average income). To see why it is profoundly absurd to measure poverty by looking at the distribution of income, consider these two ex...
digital health readiness would have indicators for each of the policy areas in Figure 2.2.These could start by measuring the existence of the relevant policy and evolve into indicators that measure the effectiveness of implementation of that policy.Currently,there 301、is no comprehensive capture of ...
Executive Summary Introduction: Expanding connectivity and measuring the Internet economy ‐Expanding connectivity ‐Measuring the internet economy Chapter 1. ICTs, the Internet and the crisis: Macro trends ‐The ICT sector supporting the internet ‐Investing in the internet ‐Conclusion ‐Annex 1.A1. ...