因此,失业人群可能需要大幅度地更新技能才能进入这些新的工作种类。 ④ OECD, “OECD Pensions Statistics”, 2023-12-13, https://doi.org/10.1787/pension-data-en, 2023-12-18. ⑤European Investment Bank, “EIB Investment Surv...
http://www.oecd.org/els/family/database.htm,accessed on 3 October 2017. UIS. (2014). ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 (ISCED-F 2013), UNESCO Institute for Statistics. UIS. (2012). International Standard Classification of Education: ISCED 2011, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Mont...
1. 资料来自于“2004年劳动力统计数据”(OECD Labour Market Statistics,2004)[8]以及OECD“在线的教育数据库”( OECD Education Online Database)[9] 2. 在教育数据库中的检索条件为:Level of education=Total tertiary education;Type of programme =All educational programmes;Intensity of participation=Full-time...
Lightcast data add to the understanding of digital skills in the labour market. Second, the results may advance the measurement of data assets in national account statistics. Third, the NLP methodology can handle up to 66 languages and can be adapted to measure concepts beyond digital skills...
A distinctive part of the article is devoted to analyzing the results of some empirical studies carried out at national and regional level in the EU or OECD countries.Dimian, Gina CristinaRomanian National Institute of Statisticsrevista română de statistică...
(SourceOECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics) 该数据库提供大量年度,季度和月度指针,如:就业,失业,工资(小时工资,单位劳动成本), 职位空缺及劳动纠纷。 鉴于国际性政策和措施的相互影响的日益增多的趋势,对于国际性可比较的定义和处理方法的重视度在加强。国际劳工统计会议在劳工统计很多领域,对于指导方针和建...
就业和劳动力市场统计 (SourceOECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics) 该数据库提供大量年度,季度和月度指针,如:就业,失业,工资(小时工资,单位劳动成本), 职位空缺及劳动纠纷。 鉴于国际性政策和措施的相互影响的日益增多的趋势,对于国际性可比较的定义和处理方法的重视度在加强。国际劳工统计会议在劳工统计很多...
52、ogrammes leads to labour market-relevant,vocational qualifications acknowledged as occupationally oriented by the relevant national authorities and/or the labour market.In ISCED,this distinction is referred to as the programme orientation(UNESCO Institute for Statistics,20122).Providing general and ...
Source: OECD Short-term Labour Market Statistics, /index.aspx?lang=enQueryId=36324 4 4 Table 2 - Unemployment levels (aged 15 and over) Thousands of persons, seasonally adjusted 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 Q4 Q1 Q2 Apr May Jun Jul OECD 40,993 33,934 33,581 33,220 32,974 33,058 33,...
“field of study”is used to refer to the different fields of this classification.The term STEMscience,technology,engineering and mathematicsrefers to the aggregation of the broad fields of natural sciences,mathematics and statistics;ination and communication technologies;and engineering,manufacturing and ...