Health expenditure and the level and growth rate of GDP per capita in selected OECD countriesGDP per capitaeconomic developmenthuman capitalhealth expenditureTurowski,KrzysztofTurowska,Iwona Anna
日本户均2.25人---3.24万---人均1.44万---人均GDP3.98万---36.2% Disposable income is closest to the concept of income as generally understood in economics. Household disposable income is income available to households such as wages and salaries, income from self-employment and unincorporated enterpris...
Three main conclusions arise from our cross section and panel analysis for a sample of 20 OECD countries: first, discretionary fiscal policy has a significant and sizeable effect on volatility of GDP (per capita) and all of its components. Second, there is no direct effect on inflation ...
图 5 前 5 位受援国接收到的援助比重变化 Fig.5 Change of proportion of aid received by the top five recipient countries 3 中国与 OECD 在非援助国别分配的 影响因素 图 7 为变量间关系散点图.可见,各变量与因 变量间均存在一定程度的相关关系,表明选择的控 制变量能够较为有效地解释因变量.变量中,...
在公式 (1) 中, i=1, 2, 3…, 31, 代表OECD成员国中的26个国家及金砖五国;t=1, 2, …, 16, 代表中国1996—2011年的时间变量;Vi为截面误差成分;εit为随机误差成分;git代表GDP增长率;fdiit代表FDI资金流入量占GDP比重;rdrit是研发人员工作全时当量, 代表人力资本的质量;fdi×rdrit代表FDI溢出的人力资...
An index of economic well-being for selected oecd countries, Review of Income and Wealth 48(3 Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is a poor indicator of economic well–being. It measures effective consumption poorly (ignoring the value of leisure and of longer life spans) and it also ig...
%this paper studies the change of OECD countries tax structure with the development of economy from 1995 to 2009.Found that the development of economy measured by GDP per capita has no significant effect on tax structure,however,economic structure measured by revenue and expenditure of tourism,...
Currently ranked 21st in terms of GDP per capita among OECD countries, Israel sets its sights on climbing 6 spots, Israel’s minister of economy said
Baloch MA, Mahmood N, Zhang JW (2019) Effect of natural resources, renewable energy and economic development on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries. Sci Total Environ 678:632–638 Article CAS Google Scholar Batool M, Jehan Y, Hayat N (2020) Effect of financial development and institutional quali...
There has been renewed divergence of GDP per capita among OECD countries over the past decade: Whereas the relatively less advanced countries tended to catch up with the leader, the US, from the late 1940s to the late 1980s, the situation has reversed since the mid‐1990s. While GDP growth...