406 Adopted: 17.07.92 OECD GU ID ELIN E FOR TES TIN G OF CHEMICALS Adopted by the Council on 17th July 1992 Skin Sensitisation IN TROD U CTION 1. OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in light of scientific progress. In such reviews, special attention is given...
OECD-2021年教育报告(英).pdf,Education at a Glance 2021 OECD INDICATORS Education at a Glance 2021 OECD INDICATORS This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein
OECD 养老金市场统计数据2020.pdf,Pension Funds in Figures June 2020 Pension fund assets rose to USD 32 trillion in 2019 but COVID-19 impacts are set to reverse some of these gains Preliminary data for 2019 show that pension funds held USD 32.3 trillion in
OECD-2021年教育报告(英)-474正式版.pdf,Education at a Glance 2021 OECD INDICATORS Education at a Glance 2021 OECD INDICATORS This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments emplo
Total primaryenergysupply(TPES) Mtoe 5095 5090 5048 5209 5189 5183 5135 491 1Totalprimaryenergysupplypercapita Toepercapita 401 399 395 408 406 406 402 385TPESperunitofGDPat2000pricesandPPPs Toeper '000USD 016 016 015 015 015 015 014 014Renewables'contribution to total primary energy supply ...
406 89.13 84.37 中国-OECD联合培养税务法学硕士项目 法学院 财税法学 吴鹏耀 386 87.40 81.28 中国-OECD联合培养税务法学硕士项目 法学院 财税法学 齐昕 393 85.22 81.25 中国-OECD联合培养税务法学硕士项目 法学院 财税法学 沈思琦 396 84.17 81.19 中国-OECD联合培养税务法学硕士项目 法学院 财税法学 邱凯 393 ...
Background and Principles: The document outlines the background and principles behind the test methods that address the activation of dendritic cells, providing an alternative to traditional animal-based methods like the Guinea Pig Maximisation Test (GPMT) and the Buehler Test (TG 406). It highligh...
1973–1980 406–525 0.285 2.519 6 Griliches and Mairesse (1991b) Book chapter OECD Other, US, France Sales First Diff. 1973–1978 185–528 0.120 1.727 13 Hall and Mairesse (1995) Journal article US VA Long/First Diff. 1980–1987 197–340 0.213 2.028 20 Harhoff (1994) Working paper Germ...