406 Adopted: 17.07.92 OECD GU ID ELIN E FOR TES TIN G OF CHEMICALS Adopted by the Council on 17th July 1992 Skin Sensitisation IN TROD U CTION 1. OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in light of scientific progress. In such reviews, special attention is given...
providing an alternative to traditional animal-based methods like the Guinea Pig Maximisation Test (GPMT) and the Buehler Test (TG 406). It highlights the advantages of using in vitro methods, particularly in terms of animal welfare and
1973–1980 406–525 0.285 2.519 6 Griliches and Mairesse (1991b) Book chapter OECD Other, US, France Sales First Diff. 1973–1978 185–528 0.120 1.727 13 Hall and Mairesse (1995) Journal article US VA Long/First Diff. 1980–1987 197–340 0.213 2.028 20 Harhoff (1994) Working paper Germ...
1987 406 Skin Sensitisation 12 May 1981 1 17 July 1992 407 Repeated Dose 28-Day Oral 12 May 1981 2 27 July 1995 3 October 2008 Toxicity Study in Rodents 408 Repeated Dose 90-Day Oral 12 May 1981 1 21 September 1998 Toxicity Study in Rodents 409 Repeated Dose 90-Day Oral 12 May 1981...
World Development, 21(3), 391–406. Article Google Scholar Matei, A., & Matei, L. (2010). Reducing the administrative expenditures as source for increasing the efficiency of local governance under conditions of the financial crisis. Published in: 2010 Sino-US International Conference on ...
pigtests(OECDTG406)fortheskinsensitizationtestbuttheuseofaradioisotopicagent, 3 H-thymidine, detersitsactivedissemination.Newnon-radioisotopicLLNA,LLNA:BrdU-FCMemploysanon- radioisotopicanalog,5-bromo-2 0 -deoxyuridine(BrdU)andflowcytometry.Forananalogousmethod, OECDTG429performancestandard(PS)advisesthat...
22、国际组织化学安全管理计划(IOMC)成立于199公司在化学和材料选择过程中考虑的可持续性属性景观(英译中)5年,是在1992年联合国环境与发展大会提出加强合作和提高化学安全领域国际协调建议的基础上建立的。 23、参与组织包括粮农组织(FAO)、国际劳工组织(ILO)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、联合国环境规划署(UNEP公司在...