内容提示: OECD/OCDE 404 Adopted: 28 July 2015 1 © OECD, (2015) You are free to use this material for personal, non-commercial purposes without seeking prior consent from the OECD, provided the source is duly mentioned. Any commercial use of this material is subject to written permission...
OECDTG 404 provides a tier strategy for a stepwise approach to conducting dermal corrosion/irritation studies (Table 5). This tier strategy calls for a series of sequential evaluations and decisions based on existing human and animal data showing effects on skin or mucous membrane, structure–activi...
OECD 404急性皮肤刺激性试验是一种常用的皮肤刺激性评价方法,适用于不同类型的物质和产品。该试验可以评估化学物质、药物、化妆品、清洁剂、农药、工业材料等对皮肤的刺激性程度。 在该试验中,将被测物质涂抹于特定部位的动物皮肤上,观察和评估皮肤的反应。根据皮肤反应的程度,可以判断该物质的刺激性分类,包括非刺激...
汽车生产 (单位) 1,404,501.000 2023 年 1997 - 2023 白银生产 (公吨) 0.000 1994 年 1993 - 1994 销售,订单,库存和出货量 数值 频率 范围 新增订单增长 (%) 0.2 Dec 2024 月 Jan 2001 - Dec 2024 建筑及房地产业 数值 频率 范围 建筑许可 (单位) 5,064.000 Dec 20...
1987 17 December 2001 402 AcuteDermal Toxicity 12 May 1981 1 24 February 1987 403 Acute Inhalation Toxicity 12 May 1981 1 7 September 2009 404 Acute Dermal Irritation/ 12 May 1981 3 17 July 1992 28 July 2015 Corrosion 24 April 2002 405 Acute Eye Irritation/ 12 May 1981 3 24 April 20022...
TestGuideline404(TG404);adoptedin1981andrevisedin1992and2002)(2).Inrelationtoanimal15 welfareTG404wasrevisedin2002,allowingforthedeterminationofskincorrosionbyapplyingatiered16 testingstrategy,usingvalidatedinvitroorexvivotestmethods,thusavoidingpainandsufferingof17 ...
2.Theassessmentofskinirritationhastypicallyinvolvedtheuseoflaboratoryanimals[OECDTG404; originallyadoptedin1981andrevisedin1992,2002and2015](4).Forthetestingofcorrosivity,three validatedinvitrotestmethodshavebeenadoptedasOECDTGs430,431and435(5)(6)(7).Adocument ...
In relation to animal welfare concerns, TG 404 was revised in 2002, allowing for the determination of skin corrosion/irritation by applying a tiered testing strategy, using validated in vitro or ex vivo test methods, thus avoiding pain and suffering of animals. Three validated in vitro test ...
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