62场胜利中约有1/3的球手使用了O-Works系列和White Hot RX系列推杆,英国公开赛轰下62杆的布兰登·格雷斯使用的就是O-Works Jailbird Mini。这使四大满贯的百余年历史上,最低杆止于63杆的魔咒被打破5!(速速围观,刷新记录必备的推杆!) 自比赛结束的那一刻,无论是安妮卡·索伦斯坦的59杆还是布兰登·格雷斯的62...
These Works putters feature their most successful face insert, the butter soft White Hot, with the Fusion RX layer over the top.
Testers Announced! Just incase you haven't seen or heard these new putters come with Odyssey's Ai designed face inserts in a classic White Hot for those who prefer a different feel. Ai-ONE Designed using Artificial Intelligence, we’ve created contours o
62场胜利中约有1/3的球手使用了O-Works系列和White Hot RX系列推杆,英国公开赛轰下62杆的布兰登·格雷斯使用的就是O-Works Jailbird Mini。这使四大满贯的百余年历史上,最低杆止于63杆的魔咒被打破5!(速速围观,刷新记录必备的推杆!) 自比赛结束的那一刻,无论是安妮卡·索伦斯坦的59杆还是布兰登·格雷斯的62...