Discover the #1 putter on Tour at Odyssey by Callaway Golf Europe. Experience unmatched precision, control, and feel with our premium putter collection. Shop Putters at Odyssey now!
Discover Odyssey Putters! Our high performance Putters aren't shy of peforming when it matters. Using our world renoun experience we have engineered Golf putters that are like no other which is why Odyssey is the putter brand #1 on Tour - Shop now!
So did Odyssey just phone it in and release the same putters from 20 years ago or is there something new in the White Hot OG line? Obviously, the main point is to give customers the White Hot insert that they have adored for the past two decades. That part of the design is a consc...
Odyssey Tempest Blade Putter Headcover From $27.00 Sale Oh Baby I'm Hot Today Blade Headcover From $59.99$29.99 Odyssey Tempest Mallet Putter Headcover From $27.00 Limited Edition Vegas Race Blade Headcover From $59.99 PUTTER SELECTOR
Discover the #1 putter on Tour at Odyssey by Callaway Golf Europe. Experience unmatched precision, control, and feel with our premium putter collection. Shop Putters at Odyssey now!
千禧年,Callaway推出了White Hot系列。一年之后更推出了爆款2 Ball系列,其创新且高效的瞄准系统本是为了初学者而设计,不过顶尖职业球员们也很快发现了这一设计的精妙。 2001 高球女皇安妮卡·索伦斯坦2001年在创建者杯的首轮打出59杆,其中前13个洞使用Odyssey推杆抓到了12只小鸟,成为历史上首位打出59杆的女子球员2...
This configuration makes this face balanced putter extremely stable. This putter features our Ai-One insert with an aluminum backer and White Hot urethane striking surface and our new SL 140 Stroke Lab steel shaft. Ai One 7 Armlock #7 Arm Lock: The Ai-ONE #7 Arm Lock is an iconic shape...
2-Ball Eleven S Putter Enquire Tech Specs Find a Retailer Our Most Exciting Shape The new Odyssey Eleven has completely reimagined performance in a mallet. It combines our legendary White Hot insert, still the #1 insert on Tour, with our major-winning Stroke Lab shaft to improve the ...
Testers Announced! Just incase you haven't seen or heard these new putters come with Odyssey's Ai designed face inserts in a classic White Hot for those who prefer a different feel. Ai-ONE Designed using Artificial Intelligence, we’ve created contours o
These Works putters feature their most successful face insert, the butter soft White Hot, with the Fusion RX layer over the top.