Odyssey Academy Celebrating 25 Years of Charting Stellar Journeys GALVESTONTEXAS CITYWEBSTERONE SCHOOL. THREE LOCATIONS. Odyssey Academy opened its doors 25 years ago as a free, open enrollment public school, providing a stellar public education with a private school feel - smaller classes, ...
“I wisely brought some race-proven leak stop liquid from Germany, had tools and a grease gun that I used along the way, and brought along some belts and other equipment just in case,” he says. The 12-day trip took them across the American Southwest, through Texas and Louisiana. Along...
Besides getting on a Deer lease, a friend got me on a “special” Duck and Goose lease with fifteen other hunters, a 3600 acre lease on the Katy Prairie, less than twenty-five minutes from my new home in Cypress, Texas, a northwest Houston suburb. In 1980 the lease cost me $700 a...
Our deer season closed this past Sunday and my family did our part to thin out the deer herd in Mills County, Texas. Our freezers have a lot of deer for the off season; Brad with 2 does and one spike; Jon with 2 bucks; Randy with the largest buck shot, a 15 pointer and a spike...
Layla was working part-time, in far north Houston, for a national softball organization and I headed out, called her and said that she should start home right away. We had just sold our home in Cypress, Texas and were living full time in Bayou Vista. The next day we were planning on...