Special Issue: Seminars in Surgical Oncology: Pancreatic Cancer Volume 107, Issue 1, pages 33–38, 1 January 2013Additional Information How to Cite Christians, K. K., Tsai, S., Tolat, P. P. and Evans, D. B. (2013), Critical steps for pancreaticoduodenectomy in the setting of pancrea...
收录于合集 160个好用的学术著作数据库网站 来源l历史之岛、人文社科学术研究中心 本文仅用作学术交流分享,版权属于原作者,若有侵权请联系后台删除,万分感谢。 - End -
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Volume 96, Issue 6, page 692, June 2009 Additional Information How to Cite Al-Ghnaniem, R., Jah, A., Huguet, E. L., Jamieson, N. V. and Praseedom, R.K. (2009), Interposition graft with polytetrafluoroethylene for mesenteric and portal vein reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy...
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fill you with knowledge. Eight hours of Facebooking in the library is still eight hours of Facebooking. Also, people who bring food and blankets to the library and just stay there during finals week start to smell weird. Go home and bathe. You can quiz...
fill you with knowledge. Eight hours of Facebooking in the library is still eight hours of Facebooking. Also, people who bring food and blankets to the library and just stay there during finals week start to smell weird. Go home and bathe. You can quiz yourself while you wash your ...
分类记忆单词是快速记忆单词的好方法 以下是1600个英语基础单词分类速记 家庭与人物称呼、职业职务 1. 家庭人员 2. 人物称呼 3. 职业职务 家庭用具、电器及文具、玩具 1. 家庭物品 2. 电器 3. 文具与玩具 学校及文化科技教育 1. 学校设施 2. 课程 ...
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