- You are correct, when using related companies and manage relations to a parent company, multi-company is the way to go- Do not use a Bitnami image, install it yourself, it is easy enough (read the documentation).- Do not use a VM (what for a...
Select Company: Company/Database Name. Use these settings to select the correct Odoo database to connect to. If you have more than one company/database they will be listed here. Select Sale Invoice Journal: List of Invoice Journals from Odoo. Use these settings to select the correct Odoo...
<record id="group_role_multi_company" model="res.users.role"> <field name="name">多公司</field> <field name="implied_ids" eval="[ (4, ref('base.group_multi_company')), ]"/> </record> <record id="group_role_devops" model="res.users.role"> <field name="name">运维</field>...
1)Char:文本字段2)Binary:二进制字段,通常用于图片、附件等文件读写3)Many2one:多对一关系字段,如: company_id= fields.Many2one('res.company', string=u'公司') 表现为多个员工可以对应同一个公司,'res.company'是odoo内置公司模型4)Selection:列表选择字段,第一个参数为元组列表,表示可选列表5)Date: 日...
Multi-Company Multi-Currency Multi-Language Automatic ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) Package Management / Cartoning Freight Carrier Integration Manage Consignee Stocks EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Products Non-Stocked Inventory * Multiple Variants Multiple Units of Measure Inter-clas...
For a rule:<model_name>_rule_<concerned_group>whereconcerned_groupis the short name of the concerned group (‘user’ for the ‘model_name_group_user’, ‘public’ for public user, ‘company’ for multi-company rules, …). <!-- views and menus --><recordid="model_name_view_form"mod...
records from different companies in multi-company environments). It may lead to un-intuitive results in methods which select one record among many - for example getting the default company, or selecting a Bill of Materials. .. note:: Because the record rules and access control will have to ...
field><fieldname="model">crm.activity.report</field><fieldname="arch"type="xml"><treedefault_order="date desc"><fieldname="date"/><fieldname="author_id"/><fieldname="mail_activity_type_id"/><fieldname="body"/><fieldname="company_id"groups="base.group_multi_company"/></tree></...
For multi-companies environments, such closings are performed by company. POS orders are posted as journal entries at the closing of the POS session. Closing a POS session can be done anytime. To prompt users to do it on a daily basis, the module prevents from resuming a session opened mo...
You need to test third-party apps yourself which you might not have the time for and can break current functionality. Not all issues are addressed in the forums if it is not a common issue; a lot of issues are still open from previous versions. The official documentation is sometimes ...