It is generally used for “link modules” implementing synergetic integration between two otherwise independent modules. For instancesale_crmdepends on bothsaleandcrmand is set toauto_install. When bothsaleandcrmare installed, it automatically adds CRM campaigns tracking to sale orders without eithersal...
Suppose it typically enables to otherwise option and hasn’t created a user in Odoo. In that case, it will show some error at the time of login(see the image below), so instead of creating one user in Odoo, it will be better if we use the create user option and select the desired...
If we compare Odoo Inventory with proprietary ERP Microsoft Dynamics, we can that find many features like Freight Carrier Integration, Consignee stock management, etc. are not available there. And if the comparison is between SAP and Odoo, Odoo has the advantage of features like multiple variant ...
readme.adoc Metadata Odoo Metadata OpenEMS Backend implementation for Odoo. Enables you to manage multiple edges with one backend. Note This bundle works with Odoo 15. For a seamless integration of Odoo and OpenEMS the open-source Odoo-OpenEMS module is needed. Source Code [gith...
Also it is recommened to install at Jupyter (formely IPython notebook) to get all benefits of Jupyter integration, provided by this project. To install it just type: pip install jupyter Usage Use as shell After instalation run in shell: openerp_proxy And You will get the openerp_proxy...
Settings settings PNG PDF SVG Test Exceptions test_exceptions PNG PDF SVG Transifex Integration transifex PNG PDF SVG UTM Trackers utm PNG PDF SVG Android & iPhone web_mobile PNG PDF SVG Customizations Enterprise Studio web_studio PNG PDF SVG 快速...
Integration of Asterisk Calls and Odoo Project modules. Asterisk Calls Helpdesk Asterisk Calls Helpdesk addon. Asterisk Base Asterisk PBX Management application Asterisk Base Queues Asterisk Queues management addon Asterisk Base SIP SIP peers and trunks management ...
Kafka SourceSee theKafka Integration Guide.Yes 一些简单的使用实例如下: val spark: SparkSession = ... // 从 socket 读取 text val socketDF = spark .readStream .format("socket") .option("host","localhost") .option("port",9999) .load() ...
Transifex Integration transifex PNG PDF SVG UTM Trackers utm PNG PDF SVG Android & iPhone web_mobile PNG PDF SVG Customizations Enterprise Studio web_studio PNG PDF SVG Community Tutorials Documentation Forum Open Source Download Github Runbot Translations Services Hosting Support Upgrade...
Kafka SourceSee theKafka Integration Guide.Yes 一些简单的使用实例如下: val spark: SparkSession = ... // 从 socket 读取 text val socketDF = spark .readStream .format("socket") .option("host","localhost") .option("port",9999) .load() ...