-odie, odieusement, odieux, Odile, Odin, odinite, odo-, odographe, odoifique, odomètre, 用户正在搜索retaxer, reteindre, reteinture, retéléphoner, retendoir, retendre, rétène, retenir, rétenite, retenter, 相似单词-odie, odieusement, odieux, Odile, Odin, odinite, odo-, odograph...
1) odinite 拉辉煌斑岩 2) topsailite[,tɔpsei'lait] 中长辉磷煌斑岩 3) odinite 钛云母;拉辉煌岩 4) baldite 辉沸煌岩 5) garganite['ɡɑ:ɡə,nait] 闪辉煌岩 6) tjosite['tʃɔsait] 斜辉煌岩 补充资料:斜辉 1.见"斜晖"。
Twitter Google Share on Facebook odinite [′ōd·ən‚īt] (petrology) A grayish-green lamprophyre composed of labradorite and augite or diallage; sometimes containing hornblende, phenocrysts in a groundmass of fine lath-shaped or equigranular feldspar, and a felty mesh of acicular hornble...
odinite 发音 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 AI解释 全文检索网络释义 odinite f. 钛母 用户正在搜索 soutirer, soutireuse, soutra, soûtra, souvenance, souvenir, souvent, souventefois, souventes fois, souverain, 相似单词 -odie, odieusement, odieux, Odile, Odin, odinite, odo-, ...
odinitenoun A monoclinic-domatic mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, iron, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, silicon, and titanium. +添加翻译 英文-意大利文字典 Odinite minerale wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“odinite"自动翻译成 意大利文 odinite ...
The mesostasis serpentine-like mineral has been described here on the basis of WDS and EDX analyses, HRTEM and Fe-K XANES, as odinite, a ferric, 0.7nm d001-spacings phyllosilicate mineral with a characteristic 1:1 serpentine-like structure. The carbonate dissolution stage and then formation of...
1) odinite 钛云母;拉辉煌岩 2) camptospessartite 钛辉斜煌岩 3) Cascadite['kæskə,dait] 橄辉云煌岩 1. The superbassic cryptobreccia rock, related to plagioporphyry, is called cascadite. 该金矿的容矿围岩为超浅成次火山岩(斜长玢岩),与其紧密伴生的是超基性的隐爆角砾岩-橄辉云煌岩。
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Preliminary analysis of belemnites using a very similar sampling strategy also indicates significant cyclicity in C and O: such variability may be a source of the scatter in the belemnite isotopic curve in the Jurassic and Cretaceous.FINDLAY, Duncan...