Maca, J. 2004. Odiniidae. P. 335. In Kubik, S., & Bartak, M. (eds.), Faunistic Re- cords from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Diptera. Dipt. Bohemoslov. 11: 321-346. [2004.??.??]Maca, J. 2004. Odiniidae. P. 335. In Kubik, S., & Bartak, M. (eds.), Faunistic ...
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Odiniidae are small acalyptrate flies represented by three genera in Europe and one in the Netherlands. Here we add Neoalticomerus formosus to the Dutch fauna, a representative of a new genus. The species was caught by a Malaise trap on the island ofRottumerplaat, an atypical habitat for...
Turanodinia graciosaHaftad-Gholleh Protected Areanew recordsThe family Odiniidae is newly reported from Iran through the recent discovery of the species Odinia meijerei Collin, 1952 and Turanodinia graciosa Krivosheina & Krivosheina, 1996 in Iran and the Middle East region. The species T. ...
1975. New taxa in two families previously unrecorded from the Ethiopian Region (Diptera: Odiniidae and Diastatidae). Ann. Natal Mus. 22: 471-488. [1975.11.??]COGAN, B. H. 1975. New taxa in two families previously unrecorded from the Ethiopian Region (Diptera: Odiniida...
(Diptera, Odiniidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London (B) 21(7-8): 110-116. [1952.08.??]COLLIN, J. E. (1952): On the European species of the genus Odinia R.-D. (Diptera: Odiniidae). - Pro- ceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Ser. B 21: 110-116....
Parentodiniidae n.famParentodinium lituus n.spParentodinium pediculum n.spDescriptions of Parentodinium ostrea Thurston & Noirot-Timoth茅e, 1973 and P. africanum Thurston & Noirot-Timoth茅e, 1973 are revised on the basis of observation by pyridinated silver carbonate impregnation. Two new ...
Amiota goetzi, new species (Diptera, Drosophilidae) with faunistic notes to Drosophilidae, Odiniidae and Periscelididae from southeastern Europe and TurkeyMaca, J
A key to thedescribed Neotropical species of Odiniidae is provided. The family Odiniidae is comprised of small to medium-sized (3-6 mm), compact, strongly bristled flies, which are usually dark brown or dull gray in color (Prado 1975, McAlpine 1987). The family consists of about 60 ...