虽然Odin-Serializer也可进行Unity Object引用的先关序列化,不过建议使用SerializedMonoBehaviour的方式,更简单(详情见:Odin Inspector 系列教程 --- 初识Odin序列化) Odin-Serializer的另一个优势就是速度快且GC小(序列化格式为二进制时),所以当非测试时,强烈建议把序列化格式更改为二进制,因为使用Json格式会慢很多。
There are many different use cases for OdinSerializer. If you just need a serialization library to use in your own private project, we can recommend that you simply use it out of the box. If you would like to make your own tweaks and builds, or if you intend to include OdinSerializer ...
This is a paid asset, but now you can download Odin Inspector and Serializer for FREE,Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. ...
Repository files navigation README MIT license OdinSerializerForNetCore 可以在.Net Core运行的Odin序列化库 Odin序列化库原地址:https://github.com/TeamSirenix/odin-serializer 环境 .Net 5.0About 可以在.Net Core运行的Odin序列化库 Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 8 stars Watcher...
Use the Odin Inspector and Serializer from Sirenix on your next project. Find this utility tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.
仅使用 Odin 的编辑器改进,完全禁用序列化。 · Odin 编辑器窗口: 您现在可以使用 Odin 来快速创建自定义的编辑器窗口,帮助组织您的项目和游戏数据。 · 输入验证: 通过允许您的开发者设置场景和输入验证来赋能您的整个团队,让 Unity 的使用对艺术家和开发者来说变得前所未有的容易。
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object OdinSerializer.Utilities.Editor.OdinAssemblyImportSettingsUtility.ApplyImportSettings (System.String assemblyFilePath, System.Boolean includeInBuild, System.Boolean includeInEditor) (at Assets/OdinSerializer/Config/AssemblyBuildInfo....
Download Odin Inspector and Serializer FREE Unity. Odin puts your Unity advancement on steroids, creating it straightforward to create powerful & advanced..
Odin - Inspector and Serializer 隐藏属性 [HideIf("显示正负数")]//显示正负数 函数/属性.需要返回一个bool. 如果是true就隐藏.publicbool只用负数=false;
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