In the poem "Ode to the West Wind" by Shelley, the repeated use of apostrophe (addressing the west wind directly) has a certain influence on the structure. Which one is correct? A. It creates a hierarchical structure. B. It makes the poem more compact. C. It builds up a call - ...
odetothewestwind考点(一) Ode to the West Wind 1. Introduction to the poem •Background of the poem •Brief summary of the poem 2. Theme and Motifs •Exploration of nature •Power and destruction •Transformation and rebirth 3. Overview of the form and structure •Structure of the...
Ode to the West Wind;Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822);Brief Introduction;;;Structure;;In this poem, Shelley tries to gain transcendence(超然存在,超越). The West Wind acts as a driving force change and rejuvenation(再生) in the human and natural world. Shelly views the winter not just as l...
Ode to the West Wind PPT OdetotheWestWind ——ByPercyByssheShelley ContentStructure PoeticStructure PoeticDevices PoeticStructure RhymeScheme5stanzas;14linesforeach;ABABCBCDCDEDEE(crossrhyme隔行押韵)OverallStructureThefirst3stanzas→depictthepoweroftheWestWindandthe changesitbringstotheland,seaandsky.Thelast2...
英国文学之雪莱——西风颂Shelley and Ode to the West Wind.pptx,I TOP IC: Shelley and Ode to the West WindII OBJECTIVES:Introduction to ShelleyHis major works and their special featuresStudy of the poem﹡The main idea of Ode to the West Wind﹡Theme﹡Struct
1、Ode to the West Wind,Percy Bysshe Shelly,诗歌鉴赏,Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822),One of the major English Romantic Poets Considered to be among the finest lyric poets in the English language,POET,Brief Introduction,Written in 1819 Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!,第一节 啊,狂野...
Ode-to-the-West-Wind中英文赏析 诗歌鉴赏OdetotheWestWind PercyByssheShelly POET PercyByssheShelly(1792-1822)•OneofthemajorEnglishRomanticPoets •ConsideredtobeamongthefinestlyricpoetsintheEnglishlanguage BriefIntroduction •Writtenin1819&publishedin1820 •OneofShelley’sbestknownlyrics(抒情诗)•“O...
I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumns being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged ...
ode to the west wind OdeToTheWestWind Analysisofrhyme TheOdetotheWestWindconsistsoffivesonnets,whichagainconsistoffourtriplets(三连音符)andafinalcouplet(对联,对句),likeintheEnglishsonnet.Eachsonnetusestheterzarima.(三行诗节押韵法)Thatistripletswiththerhymeschemeababcbcdcded.Thefirstandthethird...