German English 中文 O Freunde, nicht diese Töne Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen und freudenvollere Freude! Freude! To Joy 啊!朋友,何必老调重弹! 还是让我们的歌声 汇合成欢乐的合唱吧! 欢乐!欢乐! An die Freude To Joy 欢乐颂 1 Freude, sch
Watch This Incredible Beethoven 'Ode to Joy' Flashmob Is ‘Ode to Joy’ the Anthem of Europe? The melody to ‘Ode to Joy’ is also the ‘Anthem of Europe’, used to represent shared European values. ‘Ode to Joy’ symbolises hope, unity and fellowship, making the chorus a fine fit ...
在Apple Music 上欣赏凯瑟琳・詹金斯, David Temple, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Nicholas Dodd & 大卫・葛瑞特的《Ode to Joy》。2014年。时长:3:42
What are the lyrics to ‘Ode to Joy’?Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 is famous for its setting of Friedrich Schiller’s poem ‘Ode to Joy’ – a text the composer had been fascinated with for over twenty years. Here’s just a short passage below....
在Apple Music 上收听路德维希・凡・贝多芬的《'Ode to Joy' Final Chorus from Schiller》。1962年。26 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 1 分钟
" (Ode to Joy) 专辑:Wiener Philharmoniker - Beethoven 歌手:Wiener PhilharmonikerSir Simon Rattlebarbara bonneybirgit remmertCity of Birmingham Symphony ChorusKurt Streitthomas hampson 还没有歌词哦
音频列表 1 Vol.20 CD3 05.4. Presto - allegro assai 342024-06 2 Vol.20 CD3 chorus from Schiller's 'Ode to joy 372024-06 3 Vol.20 CD4 01.Josef Wolfsthal (cond. Manfred Gurlitt) - 1 312024-06 4 Vol.20 CD4 02.2. Larghetto - attacca 352024-06 5 Vol.20 CD4 03.3. Rondo....
歌手:London Symphony Orchestrabernard haitinkTwyla RobinsonKaren CargillJohn Mac Mastergerald finleyLondon Symphony Chorus还没有歌词哦London Symphony Orchestra、bernard haitink、Twyla Robinson、Karen Cargill、John Mac Master、gerald finley、London Symphony Chorus - IV. Finale. "Ode to Joy" (excerpt) [from...
在Apple Music 上收听亚美尼亚爱乐乐团, Loris Tjeknavorian, Hasmik Hatsagortsian, Varduhi Khachatrian, Mourad Amirkhanian & Armenian Philharmonic Chorus的《Khachaturian: Ode To Joy; 3 Concert Arias; Ballad Of The Motherland; Poem》。2000年。7 首歌曲。时长