ode meaning, definition, what is ode: a poem or song written in order to prais...: Learn more.
In literature, anodeis a type of lyrical poem enthusiastically praising a person or event. The slangode, pronounced [ oh-dee ], is an intensifying adverb meaning “really” or “very.” How isodepronounced? [ ohd ] or [ oh-dee ] ...
a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “like,”“having the nature of”; used to form nouns:phyllode.Compare-oid. [< Greek-ōdēs] -ode2 , a combining form meaning “way,”“path,” used esp. in the names of devices through which electrical current passes:electrode...
The ode has held an elevated position in the history of literature. Pindaric odes were often written and performed to celebrate athletic victories while, much later, Romantic poets wrote odes in English to celebrate their strongest sentiments and deepest admirations. The ode suited both of these t...
There are three main types of ode, meaning these are the three you will encounter. Since one of them is freeform, you will likely encounter that one in more contemporary writings, but all three can be found throughout literature. Pindaric The most classical of the odes, the Pindaric ode ...
The word “ode” comes from the Greek word “aidein,” meaning to sing. Today, we recognize three traditional ode forms. They are the Pindaric ode, the Horatian ode, and the Irregular ode.Types of OdesPindaric OdeThe first, the Pindaric ode, also known as the Greek ode, derives its ...
The meaning "comic play or drama" is from 1550s (the first modern comedy in English usually is said to be Nicholas Udall's "Roister Doister"). The extended sense "humorous or comic incident or events in life" is from 1560s. The generalized sense of "quality of being amusing" dates ...
In other words, an ode praises an individual, object or event. This poetry style comes from Ancient Greece and Rome, but it also carries over into modern English writing. Readingexamples of odescan help you understand the meaning of these wonderful poems so that you can begin writing your ow...
in English Literature at Princeton University. Cite this lesson One of John Keats' most celebrated poems is, 'Ode on a Grecian Urn.' Learn the definition of an 'ode' and study other examples written by Keats plus review an analysis of the plot, form, and meaning of the 19th-century ...
poetry,literaturethatevokesa concentrated imaginativeawarenessof experience or a specificemotionalresponse throughlanguagechosen and arranged for itsmeaning, sound, andrhythm. (Read Britannica’s biography of this author, Howard Nemerov.) Poetry is a vast subject, as old as history and older, present ...