OR(odds ratio) 被称为比值比或者优势比;它是一可以量化事件A(暴露因素)和事件B(结果)之间关联强...
比值比(Odds Ratio, OR)作为RR的一个替代指标,在回顾性研究中可以评价暴露因素和疾病的关联强度。什...
Epidemiology Topics in Odds Ratio Estimation in the Case-Control Studies and the Bioequivalence Testing in the Crossover Studies BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Dean M. YoungJames D. Stamey MarkovaDenka GThe double-sampling paradigm, which has become an important part of the epidemiological designs, includes two ...
odds ratio Odds ratio(OR)从字面上可看出,是两个odds的ratio,其用于: 在病例对照研究(case-control study)中,分析暴露风险因素与疾病(或者用药)的关联程度;主要是反映暴露与疾病之间关联强度的指标,OR常适用于病例对照研究,也可以运用于前瞻性的研究(当观察时间相等时)...
When the disease of interest is rare or chronic, we often apply the case control study design and the odds ratio to determine the possibly risk factors. In this paper, three simple... 查看全部>> 关键词: Inverse sampling Case control studies Fieller's Theorem Odds ratio Interval estimation Ne...
Like a relative risk, an odds ratio of 1 indicates no association and less than 1 indicates that the exposure was protective. Table 2. Calculating odds ratios in a case–control study Exposure (or risk factor)Number of people Empty CellCasesControls Present a b Absent c d Oddsratio=Oddsof...
Many approximate procedures are available for setting confidence limits around the odds ratio in a four-fold table. A number of them are analyzed according to three criteria: close agreement between the actual and the nominal confidence levels; exact agreement with a hypothesis test for or against...
Calculate odds ratio(OR) in R Odds ratio(OR)从字面上可看出,是两个odds的ratio,其用于: 在病例对照研究(case-control study)中,分析暴露风险因素与疾病(或者用药)的关联程度;主要是反映暴露与疾病之间关联强度的指标,OR常适用于病例对照研究,也可以运用于前瞻性的研究(当观察时间相等时)...
Definition An odds ratio (OR) is a measure of association between an exposure and an outcome (i.e., disease) and is commonly derived from data collected in a case–control study design. When the outcome is rare, the OR is a good estimate of the relative risk of the outcome. The absol...