Breast cancerDiet qualityDietary energy densityMean adequacy ratioCase–controlDietary quality is an important factor in the etiology of breast cancer (BrCa), but further studies are required to better elucidate this relationship. Accordingly, we sought to analyze if diet quality, assessed using the ...
Barrio said other research has proven that Blackwomenare often diagnosed with later-stage breast cancer. They are thus more likely to need the axillary surgery that can increase risk for lymphedema. Still, Black race was the strongest predictor of lymphedema development. Other factors associated with...
Genetic linkage analysis applied to unaffected women from families with breast cancer can discriminate high- from low-risk individuals Odds in favour of linkage to this region were greater than 100 000: 1 in 15 families with breast cancer. In eight families in which the probability ... DE Port...
Fish oil supplements linked to lower risk of breast cancer: study; 32 percent reduced odds seen in postmenopausal women, but more study is needed, researchers say.Doheny, Kathleen
IMPROVING THE ODDS Testing for Gene That Dramatically Increases Breast Cancer Risk Helps Women Determine If Preventive Surgery Is Right OptionHeather Scholten used to get a deer-in-the-headlights look fromjust about everyone who heard her...Pignolet, Jennifer...
Breast-cancer victim learns the hard way about tougher odds for black women. (Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers)Vrazo, Fawn
George Sledge at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology; Progress made in breast cancer research, leading to new drugs, therapeutic behavior, and higher survival rates; Challenges in identifying women with particular versions of the disease and getting them the right ...
A panel of experts said Monday that for some women, the benefitsof certain drugs to prevent...Grady, Denise
Doheny, Kathleen
Anti - aging medicine: 1 in 8 American women will develop invasive breast cancer: an anti - aging approach to beating the odds.Klatz, RonaldGoldman, Robert