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为了满足这些需求,Molex推出了完全兼容于光盘驱动器(ODD)系统2.6版规格的slimline SATA连接器。该连接器系统的主要特点是:将ODD插入笔记本个人电脑时,具有简便的盲插能力。这一特点得益于插头上的导向耳和插座上充分的引入口。接触件“先接合 嵌入式系统/ARM技术中的Molex slimline SATA连接器兼容于ODD系统... 嵌入式...
we observed that all the 13 mitochondrial PCG´s have values of ω < 1 in the foreground branches (Table3). Based on likelihood ratio tests, nonetheless, the two-ratio model provided a statistically significant better fit than the one-...
The Ks and Ka substitutions of Cs2ODD-C genes were calculated using KaKs_Calculator 2.0, which is commonly used to evaluate the pattern of selection [67]. Generally, Ka/Ks > 1 indicates that genes have undergone positive selection, Ka/Ks < 1 indicates that genes have undergone purifying or...