Whichistheoddoneout这是一个与众不同 Chemistry for the gifted and talented11 Which is the odd one out?Student worksheet: CDROM index 06SW Discussion of answers: CDROM index 06DA Topics Metals, alloys, acids and alkalis, particles, apparatus, elements, the Periodic Table, types of reaction, ...
English-Zone.Com Pronunciation Worksheet ODD ONE OUT - Vowels: [U], and [uw] (could/cool) -ANSWER KEY- One word in each group does not have the same vowel sound as the other words. Find it! ABC D Ex. cool C noodle food could who 1. boot A book moon move Luke 2. put B ...
Number Maze: A maze game created by the teacher, where learners solve it by following a path of odd or even numbers, this downloadable worksheet can be both fun and educational. Mathematical Patterns: Provide a handout where the class is asked to fill in missing numbers in a pattern, iden...
English-Zone.Com Pronunciation Worksheet ODD ONE OUT - Vowels: [U], and [uw] (could/cool) -ANSWER KEY- One word in each group does not have the same vowel sound as the other words. Find it! ABC D Ex. cool C noodle food could who 1. boot A book moon move Luke 2. put B ...