It is known from research into historical reasoning that such a formulation can help deepen the arguments (Havekes, 2015). The student teachers were then given the odd one out tasks in Table 2 (in Dutch), for which they had not been trained specifically. Both the order of the tasks and ...
Disentanglement Metric Learning Model Selection Odd One Out Representation Learning Visual Reasoning Datasets Edit AbstractReasoning Results from the Paper Edit Submit results from this paper to get state-of-the-art GitHub badges and help the community compare results to other papers. Methods...
Abstract In this paper we describe the notion of a toric supervariety, generalizing that of a toric variety from the classical setting. We give a combinatorial interpretation of the category of quasinormal toric supervarieties with one odd dimension using decorated polyhedral fans. We then use this...
Abstract The paper links four conjectures: (1) (Rota's bases conjecture): For any system A=(A1,…,An) of non-singular real valued matrices the multiset of all columns of matrices in A can be decomposed into n independent systems of representatives of A. (2) (Alon–Tarsi): For even ...
Children of all age groups tended to express less empathic concern for the odd one out among friends (a loner in the group) than for the majority. Findings suggest that empathic responding is in part shaped by socialization, and cultural variations in empathy may emerge early in life....