Before getting into the meaning behind the soda's current name, we have to look back at its past. A Los Angeles Timesarticleabout the Pepsi and Coke names dug deep into the brands' history. "But what stopped me in my tracks was the revelation that Pepsi used to be called Brad's Drink...
Some of the family returned to San Francisco for a bit then returned to Hawaii. It was there that Father Yod was killed during his maiden voyage hang gliding at age 53. Actually, he was severely injured and did not seek medical help, as the group largely did not put much faith in medi...
Notably, she introduces a second unifying theme here: that of drawing ‘inspiration’ from ‘Europe’s young people.’‘Our youth put meaning into empathy and solidarity,’ she says. I wanted to ask: what youngsters are you talking about, exactly? The ones I see on Spanish beaches or in...
Take your date of birth (month/day/year) and reduce each of them to a single digit. Then take the sum of all those and reduce the result to single digits. The conclusive digit is your life path number. (Pretty easy!) But understanding the meaning behind these numbers and interpreting th...
According to the vets Silver is about 2 years-old and his problem is congenital, meaninghe was born this way. The unusual diagnosis and his sudden appearance confirm our suspicion that he was somebody’s pet… until he wasnobody’spet. Because it was easier. ...
My husband, as well meaning as he tries to be is not very consistent, ADHD a real bummer when it comes to consistent parenting, but what has also helped is that when he's around, the consequence is said to her with both of us present so that it stops her from manipulating us by ...
or culture on you. We’re not. We don’t believe in that. Welovethe fact that everyone gets to find and draw meaning for their life in the way that feels right and true and most nourishing to them. And we love even more that we all have the freedom to do just that. No. All we...
Curry as a Particular Dish:Do you make Curry, people will ask me, or claim to love Curry. I don’t have to spend too much time on this meaning because clearly, Indians don’t all just eat one dish, all billion of us, day in and day out, week after week. ...
Google ain’t gonna be much help. Totem and Capture Phase are not that arcane but coupled in there with amine-related depression and the bad line about the crispness of a baby’s eyes and you sense that this is a novel that really didn’t weigh out the meaning of the words used. ...
Of course, Gast’s suffering has meaning to the people who inflict it. One of his torturers tells him: “To truly change a man, you must take away what is important to him. You must take a rich man’s fortune. You must take a passionate man’s wife. You are a man of the sense...