We provide Interesting Odd Facts, Unusual Information and anything dealing with Monsters, Superstitions, Bizarre Encounters, the Unexplained or the Paranormal.
because the folding and squeezing that the dough is subjected to while kneading speeds up the process. But as a home cook, I plead—no, I demand—that you develop patience. It will take you a day, or more. But you will be proud of your loaf. ...
“In light of all these facts, how could Trump supportersnotbe blind?” I said, persisting. “They see what they want to see,” Swamp Rabbit explained. “They ain’t concerned about high-fallutin’ concepts like democracy, or about freedom of speech and freedom of the press and all tha...
It’s a sad day in America when at last it grows obvious that our own lives and the lives of all our loved ones are increasingly more dependent on the common sense gun control most Americans vehemently support and yet, practically speaking, absolutely nothing’s being done about the problem...
Why is this? I believe that some false narratives have taken over the public imagination; and these make it difficult for facts to break through. False narratives One is that most people think of farming as continuous with nature, while biotech as a form of human engineering. And they would...
First, people were going to mouth off and engage in passive-aggressive yet incendiary speculation about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is anathema to my political, social and moral beliefs but even I tensed as people pointed out the links between Tax Day and Patriot Day, both happening on ...