Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon (en), Dragon Sabre aux Yeux Impairs (fr), Buntäugiger Säbeldrache (de)+, Drago Sciabola Occhi Diversi (it)+, 오드아이즈 세이버 드래곤 (ko)+, Dragão Sabre de Olhos Anômalos (pt)+, Dragón Sable de Ojos Anómalos (es)+and オッド...
These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon." Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon." Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain...
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Yuya's ace Pendulum Monster!The battle damage this monster inflicts on your opponent's monster will be doubled!In addition, once per turn, its Pendulum Effect reduces the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0.That's not...
Support Dragon+,Fusion Monster+andPendulum Monster+ TCG Advanced Format Status Unlimited+ TCG Traditional Format Status Unlimited+ Translated name Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver+ Type Spellcaster+ Type3 Effect+
eyes swatch eyevan eyeye eytys eywasouls malibu ezuri f f & co f**k f.p journe f.r.s for restless sleepers f/ce. faberge fabi fabiana filippi fabiana pigna fabien rozan fabienne chapot fabio rusconi fabletics fabrice fabrizio mancini fabrizio viti fabulous island faccies facco gioielli face...
TCG card "Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon." Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon." Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon." ...
Cannot be used as Synchro Material, except for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon Synchro Monster. If this card is used as Synchro Material, unless all other Synchro Materials are "Odd-Eyes" monsters, place this card on the bottom of the Deck. If this card is in your hand or GY: You can...