Gansu paper-cut, Shandong paper-cut, in general, paper-cut shape primitive, rough style, clear meaning, diverse forms, contains a strong flavor of earth, but, because of the regional environment, living customs, aestheti...
与茶有关的习俗不仅在炎黄之地传播,更是通过古代丝绸之路以及其他贸易路线走向全世界,对于多个地区产生了深远影响。 Tea-related customs are not only found across the country, but also influenced the rest of the world through the ancient Silk Road and... information that violates laws and regulations, policies, public order and good customs, social ethics, or interferes with Tencent's normal operations and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties. You agree to be responsible for all information...
Currently, Hainan free trade port is preparing for official independent customs operations in 2025, meaning Hainan will turn into a region inside the national border but outside the customs territory of China, which will further high...
In 2009,Chinese Seal Cutting was included in the Representative Listof the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.贰意义Meaning先秦及秦、汉的玺印,是古代人们交往时的凭证和信物。此外,吉语印、肖形印、黄神越章等印,也反映了古代的社会生...
Meaning 妈祖文化是劳动人民千百年来尊崇、信仰妈祖过程中遗留和传承下来的精神财富。妈祖文化穿越时空、跨越国界、超越族群,全世界46个国家和地区有6000多座妈祖庙,妈祖敬仰者有3亿多人。2009年,妈祖信俗被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。
In folk culture, celebrating the Lunar New Year is also called “guonian” (literally meaning “passing a year”). It is said that the “Nian” (year) was a fierce and cruel monster, and every day, it ate one kind of animal including ...
The umbrella bone is made of bamboo which has the meaning of rising. Let's open the umbrella surface, in the thin oil paper umbrella outline, we will find the beauty of culture. Draw your own style, umbrella flowers,...
Chicken is a homophone forji(meaning "good luck" and "prosperity"). That is one thing that makes it such a welcome dish at reunion dinners. Chicken is usually served whole — head and feet included—to symbolize "unity" and "...
the entrance of the village . A stool is set and people take turns to sit on it to weigh, recording the weight on this day, and comparing with the weight on the beginning of autumn, praying to get blessed and avo...