代码语言:txt 复制 // 假设你已经建立了与oData服务的连接,并且可以成功获取到数据 // 假设oData服务的URL为 https://example.com/odata/service // 使用oData查询语言来过滤和排序数据 // 这里使用$filter参数过滤数据,使用$orderby参数排序数据 var url = 'https://example.com/odata/service?$filter=...&$...
In the following example, the result set is orderby on the Unit Price field. The fields that you use in the orderby filter expression don't need to be part of the select filter expression.OData Copy /Items?$select=No,Description,Unit_Price&$orderby=Unit_Price desc ...
SAP Business ByDesign (ByD) provides you with REST/OData access to product (material and service) business objects. This blog post provides you with an sample round trip example (create – read – update - delete) using ByD OData services for product business objects. For details about ByD ...
0 Kudos Update release 1908: Sales order price components can now be updated using OData service. Please find more details and examples in blog post OData Example: Create Update Delete Price Components of Sales Order in SAP Business ByDesign jasmin...
Example: http://[baseURI\]/data/FleetCustomers?cross-company=trueTo filter by a particular company that isn't your default company, use the following syntax:http://[baseURI\]/data/FleetCustomers?$filter=dataAreaId eq 'usrt'&cross-company=true...
(aka, Edm model) so that such property is declared with a particular name present, but there is no type associated to describe the structure of the property's values. Here's an example: Where, Data is called single value untyped property, meanwhile Infos is called collection value untyped ...
$compute in $orderby Same as $filter, the computed properties defined in $compute also can be used in a $orderby expression to do ordering. For example: GEThttp://localhost:5102/odata/products?$orderby=TotalPrice&$compute=Price mul Qty as TotalPrice&$select=Id,TotalPrice ...
Using theinoperator is also similar to the previous example. constfilter={PropName:{in:[1,2,3]}};buildQuery({filter})=>'?$filter=PropName in (1,2,3)' Logical operators Impliedandwith an array of objects constfilter=[{SomeProp:1},{AnotherProp:2},'startswith(Name, "foo")'];build...
OData4::Queryinstances form the base for finding specific entities within anOData4::EntitySet. A query object exposes a number of capabilities based on theSystem Query Optionsprovided for in the OData V4.0 specification. Below is just a partial example of what is possible: ...
Example 2:Insert a new Customer and bind it to existing Orders with key values 1 and 2 by using theVerbose JSON format. HTTP Request: POST /service.svc/Customers HTTP/1.1 Host: host Content-Type: application/json;odata=verbose Accept: application/json;odata=verbose DataServiceVersion: 1.0 Con...