All products with a Name not equal to 'Milk' : http://host/service/Products?$filter=Name ne 'Milk' All products with a Name greater than 'Milk': http://host/service/Products?$filter=Name gt 'Milk' All products with a Name greater than or equal to 'Milk': http://host/service/Prod...
compare 的 operator 有非常的多,常见的: not equal name ne 'abc' greater than price gt 100 (注:只有 string 需要 quote) less than price lt 100 greater than or equal to price ge 100 less than or eqaul to price le 100 startswith startswith(name, 'abc') endswith endswith(name, 'abc'...
[Queryable(AllowedLogicalOperators=AllowedLogicalOperators.Equal)] 不允許任何算術運算符:C# 複製 [Queryable(AllowedArithmeticOperators=AllowedArithmeticOperators.None)] 您可以透過建構 QueryableAttribute 執行個體並將其傳遞給 EnableQuerySupport 函式來全域限制選項:C#...
[#1762] Enable Where clause to generate $filter query options for key predicates[#1793] Different null validation messages for complex and primitive collections[#1831] Fix bug on atomicityGroup as a dependsOn value in Odata v4[#1848] Fix platform not supported exception[#1855] Hotfix for the ...
If, following the guidance of the GetAirline method, I were to add an integer parameter to the request—https://localhost:1702/api/Airline/3—then only the single airline whose key (Id) is equal to 3 would be returned: XMLCopy
$filter=not search.ismatch('luxury') Find documents with the phrase "ocean view" or rating equal to 5. The search.ismatchscoring query will be executed only against fields HotelName and Description. Documents that matched only the second clause of the disjunction will be returned too -- ho...
1: [Queryable(AllowedLogicalOperators=AllowedLogicalOperators.Equal)] 不允许启用算术操作符,则应该如下: 1: [Queryable(AllowedArithmeticOperators=AllowedArithmeticOperators.None)] 同样,这种限制还可以对全局网站应用程序启用。 1: var queryAttribute = new QueryableAttribute() 2: { 3: AllowedQueryOptions = ...
If specified, the service MUST generate a response with a DataServiceVersion less than or equal to the specified MaxDataServiceVersion.If MaxDataServiceVersion is not specified, then the service SHOULD interpret the request as having a MaxDataServiceVersion equal to the maximum version supported by...
Where, only the sales whose sale year is equal to 1999 are expanded. $search query option As mentioned, the $search system query option restricts the result from the server to include only those items matching the specified, free-text search expression. Since the search expression is freestyle...