默认值为所有查询选项,包括 $filter、$skip、$top、$orderby、$expand、$select、$inlineCount、$format//和 $skipToken。///返回结果://返回 System.Web.Http.OData.Query.AllowedQueryOptions。 public AllowedQueryOptions AllowedQueryOptions { get; set; } 可以看出 AllowedQueryOptions 枚举和上面列出的还是有...
FilterAttribute FilterQueryOption FilterQueryOption 构造函数 属性 方法 ApplyTo 验证 HandleNullPropagationOption IODataQueryOptionsParser IPropertyMapper ISelectExpandWrapper ITruncatedCollection ModelBoundQuerySettings NonFilterableAttribute NotCountableAttribute ...
filter表达式也可以用于 FlowFilter 字段中。 依赖于已筛选的 FlowFilter 的 FlowFields 将重新进行计算。 在随后的示例中,Location_Filter字段为 FlowFilter。 此 FlowFilter 用在Inventory字段(即 FlowField)的计算中。 OData /Items?$select=No,Inventory$filter=Location_Filtereq'GREEN' ... Evaluating System Query Options Expand System Query Option ($expand) Filter System Query Option ($filter) Format System Query Option ($format) OrderBy System Query Option ($orderby) Skip System Query Option ...
publicenumAllowedQueryOptions { None=0, Filter=1, Expand=2, Select=4, OrderBy=8, Top=16, Skip=32, InlineCount=64, Supported=127, Format=128, SkipToken=256, All=511, } 五.运行示例: http://localhost:port/api/ProjectManagent?$top=2&$filter=idlt 10&$orderby=id desc ...
QueryFilterProvider Methods 發行項 2015/10/28 本文內容 Methods See Also Namespace: System.Web.OData.Query Assembly: System.Web.OData (in System.Web.OData.dll) Methods 展開資料表 NameDescription Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.) Finalize() (Inherited from Object.) GetFilters(...
A SharePoint OData filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq ‘string’ OR numberColumn lt 123). For non-developers/citizen developer this might not immediately help. The other problem is that this syntax is actually wrong!
// Summary:// OData query options to allow for querying.[Flags]publicenumAllowedQueryOptions{// Summary:// A value that corresponds to allowing no query options.None=0,/// Summary:// A value that corresponds to allowing the $filter query option.Filter=1,/// Summary:// A value that ...
http://localhost:8080/odata/northwind.1/NW.customers?$format=JSON Copy You can combine query options as needed. Here is an example: http://localhost:8080/odata/northwind.1/NW.customers?$filter=name eq 'bob'&$format=JSON Copy You can navigate from one...
var entities = query.FindEntries(); 处理结果:根据需要对查询结果进行处理。可以将结果转换为实体对象,然后在应用程序中使用。 代码语言:txt 复制 foreach (var entity in entities) { // 处理实体对象 } 以上是使用ODataClient和Expand调用具有OData的正确URI的基本步骤。下面是一些关于OData的概念、优势、应...