See Filter System Query Option ($filter) (section $orderby This option specifies the sort properties and sort direction (ascending or descending) that the data service is to use to order the entities in the EntitySet, identified by the resource path section of the URI. See...
var context = new Container(new Uri("")); context.KeyComparisonGeneratesFilterQuery = false; var friend = context.People.Where(p => p.UserName == "russellwhyte").Select(p => p.BestFriend); Console.WriteLine(friend.FirstName); Dropped support...
For example, the following query gets a single work item by its identifier.OData Copy{OrganizationName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems? $filter=WorkItemId eq {id} &$select=WorkItemId, Title If you're not sure which properties you should include in such a ...
<QueryOptions><QueryOptionOption="$select"Value="Id,Name,Classification,RunningTime"/><QueryOptionOption="$filter"Value="contains(Name,'li')"/><QueryOptionOption="$orderby"Value="Name desc"/></QueryOptions> Important notes The OData specification prescribes that the same system query option mus...
If you do, the OData service obtains the specified entity and applies the query to that entity. For example, suppose that you set Entity Key Predicate to UserName='russellwhyte'/Emails and you set Query Options to $filter=contains($it,'example'). The ...
An OData service MAY support some or all of the System Query Options defined. If a data service does not support a System Query Option, it MUST fail any request that contains the unsupported option. The $filter System Query Option...
sap:updatable = false Property is NOT relevant while updating a record OData framework raises an error if the value is different from the one that exists in the Business Object. sap:filterable = true The property can be used in $filter query parameter OData Framework passes the filter value ...
[#1762] Enable Where clause to generate $filter query options for key predicates[#1793] Different null validation messages for complex and primitive collections[#1831] Fix bug on atomicityGroup as a dependsOn value in Odata v4[#1848] Fix platform not supported exception[#1855] Hotfix for the ...
function retrieveOData() { let restUrl = _odataUrl + PROJQUERY + QUERY_FILTER + QUERY_SELECT1 + QUERY_SELECT2; let accept = "application/json; odata=verbose"; accept.toLocaleLowerCase(); // Enable cross-origin scripting (required by jQuery 1.5 and later). // This does not work with ...
An OData service MAY support some or all of the System Query Options defined. If a data service does not support a System Query Option, it MUST fail any request that contains the unsupported option. The $filter System Query OptionThe set of entities returned MAY be restricted ...