PowerBI分析的数据可以是Excel电子表格,也可以是基于云和本地混合数据仓库的集合。使用Power BI,可以轻松...
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle OLAP Provider for OLE DB Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle Instant Client Download the Xcopy packages below. Unzip the package to review the installation instructions in the README. Ea...
For connectivity to Microsoft Tools, such as Power BI and Excel, download from theOracle Client for Microsoft Toolspage. Important: The32-bit Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio downloadis required for Entity Framework design-time features. The downloads that support Entity Framework deployment ...
调整为: c:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin;C:\app\client\Administrator\product\12.1.0\client_1;C:\app\client\Administrator\product\12.1.0\client_1\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files ...
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Oracle Providers for ASP.NET N/A Oracle.Web Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools installs and configures ODP.NET to support Microsoft tool connections with Oracle database. It supports connecting with Power BI Desktop, Power BI service, Excel, ...
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle OLAP Provider for OLE DB Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle Instant Client Download the Xcopy packages below. Unzip the package to review the installation instructions in the README. Ea...
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle OLAP Provider for OLE DB Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle Instant Client Download the Xcopy packages below. Unzip the package to review the installation instructions in the README. Ea...
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle OLAP Provider for OLE DB Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle Instant Client Download the Xcopy packages below. Unzip the package to review the installation instructions in the README. Ea...
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Oracle Provider for OLE DB Oracle OLAP Provider for OLE DB Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Oracle Instant Client Download the Xcopy packages below. Unzip the package to review the installation instructions in the README. Ea...