The Ambition of Oda Nobuna (織田信奈の野望) is a Japanese light novel series written by Mikage Kasuga and illustrated by Miyama-Zero, that was adapted into an anime television series that premiered in July 2012 and currently ongoing. READ MOREView...
Video Wikis Start a Wiki Images Locations Expandv·e·d Oda Nobuna no Yabō Affiliates Discuss Wiki List Spotlight Request Anime / Manga HubDecemberSpotlights: Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts After God Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle ...
Oda Nobuna no yabou: Created by Mikage Kasuga. With Luci Christian, Takuya Eguchi, Molly Searcy, Emily Neves. Suddenly finding himself in the Sengoku era, regular high school student Yoshiharu Sagara is about to be killed in the battlefield.