Vision prescriptions usually look like a table or chart, with OD and OS along the side for the rows, and the other terms across the top for the columns. It will look something like this. Common Lens Type Abbreviations There are manydifferent types of lenses for glasses, and your doctor ma...
Eyeglasses prescriptions have unfamiliar abbreviations that can be confusing. Here is a brief summary of some of the terms you may come across on your eyeglasses prescription: OD –Right eye. This is the abbreviation for the Latin termOculus Dexter. OS –Left eye. This is the abbreviation for...
If you look at your eyeglasses you will see the numbers listed under the Operating System and DND items. These are Latin abbreviations: OS (oculus sinister) means left eye and OD(oculus dextrus)means right eye. Sometimes you will see a notation for OU, which means both eyes are involved...
The various components of an eye prescription can be complicated, but we'll explain them all so you knowhow to read glasses prescription, even if your prescription changes. Remember, it takes time to adjust to new glasses, so if your prescription has changed, or you use yourglasses insurance...
Now that you understand those mysterious letters and numbers, you know how to read a glasses prescription! Knowing what they mean will also help you more easily discuss your prescription with your eye care professional. Shop eyeglassesShop prescription sunglasses...
-Pour it into the glasses -for a fuss-free option. 0:32:41 0:32:47 -You've cooked something -on this plate. 0:32:47 0:32:50 -Many people like scrambled eggs -and smoked salmon for Christmas. 0:32:50 0:32:54 -It takes time to prepare the toast, -so I've opted for...