OD cost matrix analysis parameters The OD cost matrix finds and measures the least-cost paths along the network from multiple origins to multiple destinations. When configuring an OD cost matrix analysis, you can specify the number of destinations to find and a maximum distance to search. ...
「OD (起点-終点) コスト マトリックス ネットワーク解析レイヤー」を作成し、解析プロパティを設定します。 OD コスト マトリックス解析レイヤーは、複数の出発地から複数の目的地までのコスト マトリックスを表すときに役立ちます。 このレイヤーを作成するには、ローカル ネットワ...
Creating an OD cost matrix analysis layer Optionally, you can create an origin-destination cost matrix for deliveries from the new warehouses to each store. The results of this matrix can be used to identify stores that will be serviced by each warehouse within ...
在内容窗格中展开OD 成本矩阵图层组(如尚未展开)。 右键单击OD Cost Matrix:Lines子图层,然后单击属性表。 属性表表示每个仓库与商店之间的距离在 10 分钟车程范围内的起点-目的地成本矩阵。有些商店与多个仓库之间的距离均在 10 分钟的行程范围内,因此,可以接受其中任意一个仓库的服务。
The areas needed to be urgently opened can be identified through OD cost matrix analysis. According to the above analysis results and the spatial status of field investigation, the boundary sections with open conditions are selected for spatial optimization, and the optimization effect...
如果没有为原点设置 Cutoff_[Cost],分析将使用此分析图层 OD 成本矩阵图层选项卡上指定的默认分隔值。 如果此处也没有设置分隔值,则分析将使用所有目标。 双精度 网络位置字段 SourceID SourceOID PosAlong SideOfEdge SnapX SnapY SnapZ DistanceToNetworkInMeters 结合使用这些属性可描述网络中对象所在的点。 了解...
The idea was, that I created centroids based on a grid, that serve as the Origins for the Cost-Matrix. As destinations I have locations of potential facilities. I chose 23km as a distance restriction within the destinations should be reached. Now I have the problem,...
In this section, you'll perform an OD cost matrix analysis to calculate the driving time between each patient and each hospital. You'll create the OD Cost Matrix layer, load patients as origins and hospitals as destinations, solve the analysis, and examine the results. Create the OD Cost Ma...
5.3.2 功能-成本矩阵法(Function Cost Matrix) 5.3.3 功能对标法(Function Benchmark) 5.4 零部件及总成的价值分析和价值工程(VAVE) 5.4.1 价值分析(Value Analysis) 5.4.2 价值工程(Value Engineering) 5.5 线性回归分析法(Lear Regression Analysis)
OD matrix estimationMobile navigation technologyTransCADExample analysisIn traditional OD survey, too many manpower and material resources are consumed, but the life cycle of the data is shortening and survey cost is increasing. In tackling these questions, the paper put...